Martin Gajewski

Martin Gajewski

Martin Gajewski, a native of Chicago, landed his first job at the Chicago Tribune as a teenager making a few bucks by selling newspaper subscriptions door to door. He also honed his skills and worked for his family's 25 year old construction business as well. After a couple years, Martin was entrusted with directing and managing his own crews and territories in both businesses. Shortly thereafter, he was promoted to the marketing department at the Chicago Tribune. His opportunity and chance of a lifetime came when he married his Brazilian wife. After years of missing her family, they decided to relocate to Brazil. Having been well educated in the states, Triton College in Chicago, a background in marketing and construction and coupled with his wife's family's 25 year old real estate business in Brazil, he quickly adjusted to real estate investing on the international scene. Martin Gajewski, works as an Offshore Investment Consultant & International Property Broker and lives in Fortaleza City, Brazil.

    Martin Gajewski's Articles

    • Why Invest in Northeast Brazil Real Estate?

      Worldwide property investors are now turning their attention to Brazil as it fast becomes a leader in the field of emerging markets. Returns on investment are considered to be excellent and investors are increasingly aware of the high growth potential that Brazil offers as a stable though fresh, new investment market.General FactorsPredictions by leading financiers, Goldman Sachs, are ranking Brazil amongst the top 5 world economies by the year 2050. As one world’s largest countries, with a current population of over 180 million, Brazil’s economic potential is enormous. The current availability of cheap labor and materials, coupled with undervalued real…

    • International Relocation to Brazil

      So if you are about to get in on the property boom in Brazil or are thinking about retiring to Brazil you should do some research on how business is conducted in the area and the local quality of life before you take the plunge.”Taking the Plunge” sounds like a bad ending. We would like to call this more of an educated decision making process while being fully informed.We are going to tell you “How it really is” and not how it might be.There are some aspects you will have to consider first before making a final well-informed decision. Relocating…

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